weiDex - Transform your Wei into Ethers (good project)

weiDex is a fully equipped decentralized exchange (DEX). It guarantees maximum security, total transparency and open source logic. Each weiDex company is totally safe and safe. We will use decentralized exchange far and wide
Method for the secure transmission of crypto-assets.
is to provide the best service to our customers, from user interface and user experience to usability and performance.
What is Weidex? Decentralized exchange
WIEDEX is an exceptional market that is not really necessary for a third party to keep the customer's costumes. In fact, transactions occur just behind the user (relative to each other) through an automated process called Smart Contract. WIeDex is a fully filtered decoupled (DEX). It guarantees the highest possible security, total transparency and optimal source logic.
The main idea behind enterprised is the conclusion of the third part.
Low operating costs
• WeiDex is cost effective and minimizes waste of time.
• The platform is built in a very fast and efficient blockchain network.
• You will be happy with your own payment service.
Cross chain operations
• A team will create a vast ecosystem where users can exchange currencies remotely. Without third
• The technology used to solve the problem of cross-trade is that of nuclear trade.
Multiple Order fulfillment - place a order for a certain amount and we need to make sure that your transaction is successful.
The team has the most important method for transmitting crypto-assets. Our vision is to provide the best service to our customers, from user interface and user experience to usability and performance. The team wants to create a strong and strong community with brave dreams like bears. Our main task is to develop a decentralized technology for global transactions.
The weiDex project aims to show the world the full power of decentralized systems and exchange systems. A team sets the right path for all traders, blockchain enthusiasts and future generations.
The team dreams of total transparency, high security and peer exchange with unreliable third parties and high taxes.
A team will eliminate corruption and everything in the hands of people.
If you share our beliefs and have similar dreams, we can support our project, join our groups and participate in the weidex and blockchain revolution. For the brilliant feature of our future generations.
The past can not be changed. The future is always in your power. "
weidex token
• Name of the token - weiDex
• Token symbol - WDX
• Total offer - 50,000,000 WDX
• Token type - ERC-827
• The decimal numbers of the chips - 18
We can not guarantee that the potential buyers will receive a maximum of $ 15 million.
This number of chips sold at the symbolic sales of the total income of the pool
of 30,000,000 WDX.
For successful token sales, you can reach the expected hard token
The distribution will be follows:

Our customers receive air deposits based on their volume of transactions.
The total number of tokens to be deleted is 5,000,000 WDX.
Sales of financial sales questions
Most of the funds will continue their research and development exchanges, while the rest will be used to raise awareness of decentralized exchanges.
Some key costs include:
▘ Technical development costs - are mainly awarded to employees
Develop and secure the wages and fees of entrepreneurs
▘ Marketing and communication costs - attention
Target groups with slogans, packaging designs, celebrities
Support and public media.
We are here to provide the best and most transparent trading service! On the right side of the market

For more information, visit the following link:
Website: https://weidex.market/
White Paper: https://weidex.market/images/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/weidex2
Author : Cindy_wey
My Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2109755
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/cindy.wey.125
Twitter : https://twitter.com/wey_cindy
Telegram: https://t.me/Weycindy
Eth Address : 0xdB3F1167E8cad54ee05BB7e3213df6d278654f3E
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